
This document is designed to be used by municipalities, engineers, regulators, operators, and other interested parties that use, design, or are thinking about implementing sequencing batch reactor (SBR) wastewater treatment systems. This document highlights enhancements to the design and operation of SBRs that will ultimately provide more effective wastewater treatment. This document can be used by municipalities in the process of planning to upgrade their current operations or reviewing treatment plant options, regulators that review SBR designs, and design engineers.

It is worth noting that many considerations should go into choosing whether or not to implement an SBR treatment system. Decisions should not be based solely on economics; they should also include process flexibility, ability to meet permit limits, and long-term viability. In developing this document, a literature review was conducted to obtain current information on SBRs. Reference information is provided to allow users to obtain source documentation for additional details.

This reference was written to provide general information on SBR enhancements, and the recommendations will not apply to every SBR design. The document is not meant to be a substitute for professional advice in situations where it is warranted. SBRs are complex treatment systems that must be addressed on a case-by-case basis. If the information provided here does not specifically and sufficiently address your problem or concern, consult with industry professionals, service representatives, or regulatory officials.

If you find any mistakes or omissions, please notify NEIWPCC by using the feedback form provided at the end of this document.